Tell Others Are you going to HEAVEN or HELL?
Most people say they will go to Heaven and ask " why do I need Salvation?" I am a good person... I'm surely going to Heaven... I tell you friend... you need Salvation... just like me... because we all have sinned. we all fall short of the glory of GOD... Ro 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; the bible is clear that no sin can enter into the kingdom of Heaven.
We must do something to get rid of our sin
Money won't help us... Good works will not get rid of our sin either...
their is only one way to get rid of our sins... and only one way to Heaven Friend...
His Name is above all names... King of Kings.. Our Lord JESUS CHRIST He has already paid for all of our sins... Friend... "he is" the "doorway to Heaven"... My Friend... JESUS is the only way to GOD... Only The BLOOD of JESUS washes away our sins What should I say to someone who has lost a loved one through cancer |